Nagare Integrated Development Environment

Nagare IDE is a pure Web Integrated Development Environment dedicated to the Nagare Web framework.

It offers the browsing of your projects, the edition of the sources, the debugging of the raised exceptions and the consultation in real-time of the applications logs.


Nagare IDE is a normal Nagare application that can simply be installed with:

<NAGARE_HOME>/bin/easy_install nagare.ide

and then launched alongside with other applications:

<NAGARE_HOME>/bin/nagare-admin serve --reload ide <app1> <app2> ...

It’s recommanded to use the --reload option so that Nagare will be automatically restarted when a source is modified in the integrated editor then saved.


For obvious security reasons, only use Nagare IDE in a development environnement but never in production.

The IDE is then accessible at http://localhost:8080/ide:


Once installed, the IDE configuration file is located at <NAGARE_HOME>/lib/python<version>/site-packages/nagare.ide-<version>.egg/conf/ide.cfg


The IDE follows a classical layout with a screen divised in 3 panels: the navigator,0 the editor and the logger panels.


The editor panel provides direct edition of the sources:


Some shortcuts are provided:

Action Shortcut
Beginning of line / Column #0 Home or ALT+LeftArrow
End of line End or ALT+RightArrow
Page Up Up or ALT+UpArrow
Page Down Down ou ALT-DownArrow
Word left CTRL+LeftArrow
Word right CTRL+RightArrow
Top of file CTRL+UpArrow or CTRL+Home
End of file CTRL+DownArrow or CTRL+End
Select all CTRL+A
Paste CTRL+V
Delete line CTRL+K
Delete word left CTRL+Backspace
Delete word right CTRL+Del
Indent Tab (on a selected region)
Dedent SHIFT+Tab
Insert line below CTRL+Enter

The available options in the [editor] section of the configuration file are:

Name Default value Description
theme white Theme color (“white”, “black” or “pastel”)
tabshowspace on Are the tabs visible?
autoindent on Are the current indentation kept for a new line?
closepairs off Automatic insertion of a closing ‘)’, ‘]’, ‘}’ …?
highlightline on Is the current line highlighted?
fontsize 10 Size of the editor font
tabsize 4 Number of space characters inserted for a tab


The logger panel receives in real-time, on a comet channel, the messages logged by the applications:


By default, all the messages logged using the dedicated application logger, with at least the INFO level, are sent to the IDE. The logging level can be changed in the IDE configuration file. And, more generaly, to know how to use the logging system of Nagare, see The log service


The simple fact of launching the ide application alongside to other applications put these applicatons in debug mode where the IDE will catch their exceptions.


The debug is not activated when the applications are launched by a multi-processes publisher (for example the fastcgi publisher).

When an exception occurs in an application, the IDE catches it and displays a summary view:


Also a full interactive exception is pushed in real-time to the IDE editor panel:


Each frame of the exception can be expanded and a click on the edit link open a new editor tab, automatically set to the offending line ready to be fixed then saved:


An iteractive Python evaluator is also available in each frame:



Out of the box, the Nagare IDE application creates a security manager to filter the accesses based on their source IP address. By default only the connections from are accepted, other accesses being refused with a 403 Forbidden (Access was denied for this resource) error code.

It’s possible to change the list of accepted IP addresses, or even to use a totally different security manager in the [security] section of the configuration file:

Name Default value Description
manager Reference to the security manager to instanciate
allow_hosts [] Set to [“”] in the default configuration file